
Iowa Law Enforcement Academy - New Officer Basic Level II Certification

To become a certified police officer, Iowa law requires the successful completion of training at an approved law enforcement training facility. Hawkeye Community College has been designated as a Regional Law Enforcement Training Facility by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council to provide certification training for officers who meet the enrollment requirements.

Officers must be certified within one year of their employment, unless the academy council has granted an extension under administrative rule 501-3.1(3) 80B.

Why Attend Hawkeye's Basic Level II Academy

Iowa Law Enforcement Basic Level II Academy courses are taught by active and recently retired law enforcement instructors, practicing attorneys, and EMS instructors. These instructors are experts in their fields and are comprised of city, county, Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, Iowa Department of Transportation, and federal officers along with attorneys from the Black Hawk County Attorney office.

Officers wear uniforms approved by the Iowa Law Enforcement academy. Officers receive instruction in:

  • Basic military etiquette to be followed while in the academy.
  • Law courses taught by assistant Black Hawk County attorneys.
  • Three-day interview and interrogation seminar taught by the CTK Group.
  • Use of force and decision making using the MILO simulation training system.
  • Force-on-force training.
  • Precision driving course is conducted on a closed driving range.
  • Use of handguns, shotguns, and patrol rifles using the indoor and outdoor ranges at Hawkeye.

Officers are also taught the skills they need to receive the following certifications:

  • Iowa Law Enforcement Emergency Care Providers (ILEECP) Certification
  • ASP Baton Certification
  • Radar/LIDAR
  • Data Master Certification
  • Implied Consent and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
  • OC Spray Certification
  • NCIC Certification

Officers spend less time away from the job allowing sponsoring agencies to save money and resume to a full staff sooner. The sponsoring agency is also able to fill weekend staffing shortages with the officers.

Academy Dates

The Spring 2025 academy has been cancelled.

Hawkeye offers an academy in the fall and spring. The fall academy runs from late August thru late October; the spring academy runs mid-March thru mid-May.


Tuition for the Iowa Law Enforcement Basic Level II Academy includes:

  • Iowa Law Enforcement Emergency Care Provider (ILEECP) certification course.
  • Admission to the three-day Interview and Interrogation seminar taught by the CTK Group.
  • Lead-free 9 mm and .40 cal handguns, shotgun and .223 rifle ammunition for training and qualification.
  • Use of the wellness facilities at the Health Education and Services Center during the academy.
  • Portfolio binder

Spring 2023 and Fall 2024: $5,500 ($5,375 tuition + $125 ILEA administrative fee)

Iowa Law enforcement basic academy II is eligible for Department of Veteran's Affairs education benefits funding. VA education benefits are authorized to veterans and qualifying dependents. Each education benefit program is identified by a chapter designator. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will determine your eligibility. Please contact the Military and Veterans Veterans Services coordinator for more information.

Enrollment Requirements

To attend the Iowa Law Enforcement Basic Level II Academy, you must first be hired or sponsored by a law enforcement agency and satisfy the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Satisfactorily completed:
    • Have satisfactorily completed a two-year or four-year police science or criminal justice program that includes at least 20 credit hours dedicated to police science or criminal justice coursework at an accredited educational institution and documentation furnished to the academy. (Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Code 501—3.4(1) (80B)) -OR-

    • Law enforcement training in another state commensurate with basic training required in Iowa, and be able to provide verification of same.

    • Official transcripts must be provided; a final determination of eligibility for the Level II academy will be made by the staff at ILEA in Johnston, IA prior to acceptance into the program.

  2. Is a U.S. Citizen and a resident of Iowa or intend to become a resident upon being employed.

  3. Is 18 years of age at the time of appointment.

  4. Holds a valid Iowa Driver’s license.

  5. Is not addicted to drugs or alcohol [modified for Chapter 400 civil service positions by 400.17 of the Code of Iowa].

  6. Is of good moral character as determined by a thorough back ground investigation including a fingerprint search conducted of local, state, and national fingerprint files and have not been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude.

  7. Has successfully passed a physical fitness test adopted by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. See physical agility requirements in item 14;

  8. Is not, by reason of conscience or belief, opposed to the use of force, when necessary, to fulfill that person’s duties.

  9. Has uncorrected vision of not less than 20/100 in both eyes, corrected to 20/20, and color vision consistent with the occupational demands of law enforcement.

  10. Has normal hearing in each ear. (Hearing aids are acceptable if a candidate can demonstrate sufficient hearing proficiency to perform all necessary duties of a law enforcement officer.)

  11. Has been examined by a physician and meets the physical requirements necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of a law enforcement officer.

  12. Undergo psychological testing.

  13. Undergo cognitive [Basic Skills] testing. (Paraphrased from the ILEA webpage, Frequently Asked Questions of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy.)

  14. Must pass the physical agility requirements below.

    Physical Agility Requirements for Males

    20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
    Sit-ups (1 min.) 38 35 29 24 19
    Push-ups (1 min.) 29 24 18 13 10
    1.5 mile run 12:51 13:36 14:29 15:26 16:43

    Physical Agility Requirements for Females

    20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
    Sit-ups (1 min.) 32 25 20 14 6
    Push-ups (1 min.) 15 11 9 12 * 5 *
    1.5 mile run 15:26 15:57 16:58 17:54 18:44


Lodging is not included in the cost of the academy. A block of rooms is reserved at the Fairfield Inn and Suites located at 2134 La Porte Rd, Waterloo, IA 50702. Book online with this link to get the group rate for Hawkeye Regional Police Academy or call 319-233-2500 and ask for the “Hawkeye Regional Police Academy” room rate.

Contact Information

Regional Law Enforcement Academy

6315 Hammond Ave
Waterloo, IA  50701
319-266-6772 (fax)
Email the Academy

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