
Ticket to Work Partners

Partnering with Hawkeye's Ticket to Work program is possible through several different avenues.

Agencies that are interested in providing career development services to beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can become partner affiliates under our already established administrative employment network.

State Vocational Rehabilitation offices can refer job candidates through formal or informal Partnership Plus agreements for long-term follow-up services.

Employers can partner to be connected with potential applicants who have been vetted and are ready to enter the workforce.

Hawkeye's Administrative Employment Network

Hawkeye Community College's Administrative Employment Network is an innovative, community-focused organization dedicated to empowering partners to succeed in creating their own successful Ticket to Work program and assisting Ticketholders in meeting their career pathway goals.

We are committed to providing quality services that align with the mission and requirements of the Ticket to Work program. We believe that patience and flexibility are key in creating alternative solutions to employment needs and are continuously looking for new ways to partner with other organizations.

We are able to offer Certified Work Incentive Counseling services, one-on-one training for staff, and all of your management and fiscal needs. We utilize our unique position and expertise to help your organization connect Ticketholders to education and employment to help increase independence and obtain fulfilling careers.

If your agency, organization, or business is looking for new ways to add funding streams, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on how the Ticket to Work program and Hawkeye Administrative Employment Network can help you get started!

Benefits of partnering with our Administrative Employment Network

  • Start-up support to gain suitability by Social Security Administration (SSA).

  • Administrative and fiscal duties provided so you can focus on delivering services to Ticketholders.

  • Customized and ongoing training to meet the needs of your agency in the provision of Ticket to Work (TTW) services.

  • Technical assistance available when needed.

  • We function as a liaison between your agency and SSA to help answer questions and resolve any concerns.

  • Quality Assurance to ensure compliance with SSA and TTW.

Employer Services

  • Employees matched to employers
  • Accommodation questions and assistance
  • Training opportunities about disabilities
  • Liaison with client that may have a disability
  • Resource directing
  • Open interviews
  • Hiring events

Connect with a Hawkeye Ticket to Work Liaison

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Contact Information

Hawkeye's Ticket to Work

Email Hawkeye's Ticket to Work

Social Security Administration Ticket to Work
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